A human dies
every 2.6 seconds
in our world -
caused by water related

World Hunger: Key Facts and Statistics
Covid-19 felt like the biggest health crisis of the last 100 years, but how easily another, much bigger problem gets overshadowed here: extreme hunger.
World hunger has been a major issue since record-keeping began; and more must and can be done. The world produces enough food to feed its 7.7 billion inhabitants, and yet millions of children still go to bed hungry every night.
The following very interesting article, written and published by Tom Read on 15 Dec 2022, summarises facts and statistics about the hunger situation in some of the world's poorest regions, the biggest contributors to world hunger, the impact on children and the role of Covid-19.
Article written by: Tom Read, published on 15 Dec. 2022 at Delivery Rank
World Hunger Relief; Covid 19 brings Death via Diversions
“The goal of completely defeating famine by 2030 is further away than it was five years ago.”*4
“Today, with regard to COVID-19, I would like to emphasise that we are not only facing a global health pandemic, but also a global humanitarian catastrophe. Millions of civilians living in conflict-torn nations, including many women and children, are being pushed to the brink of starvation. The spectre of famine has become a very real and dangerous possibility.
This sounds quite shocking, but let me give you the numbers: 821 million people worldwide go to bed hungry every night, chronically hungry. And as the today-released Global Report on Food Crisis shows, another 135 million people are facing severe or extreme hunger. That means 135 million people on the planet are at risk of starvation. But now an analysis by the UN World Food Programme shows that additional 130 million people could be pushed to the threshold of starvation by the end of 2020 because of the coronavirus. That is a total of 265 million people.*5
… these lists could be continued endlessly.
(press release July 29, 2020)
(press release April 21, 2020)
Things have been going steadily downhill for 25 years
What is responsible mankind doing today? They celebrate their successes, one after the other, and pat each other on the back.
"The World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience.
As the international community has committed to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition by 2030, one in nine people worldwide still do not have enough to eat. Food and food-related assistance lie at the heart of the struggle to break the cycle of hunger and poverty.
For its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict, WFP was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.
In 2020, WFP assisted 115.5 million people – the largest number since 2012 – in 84 countries.
On any given day, WFP has 5,600 trucks, 30 ships and nearly 100 planes on the move, delivering food and other assistance to those in most need. Every year, we distribute more than 15 billion rations at an estimated average cost per ration of US$ 0.61.”*6
A meal in crisis regions costs 350 Swiss Francs
The cost of simple food in crisis areas is often horrendous. The World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations has now made comparative calculations for the first time and comes to shocking results. For a home-cooked soup with beans, rice and oil, which would cost 1.20 dollars (1.19 Swiss francs) in New York, a resident of South Sudan in Africa would have to work for two days, the WFP reported on World Food Day. Translated to New York, that would be 348.36 dollars (345.29 Swiss francs) per meal. In the crisis areas of northern Nigeria, a meal would cost 222.05 dollars, in the civil war country of Yemen 62.37 dollars (61.82 Swiss francs).*7
*7 https://www.nau.ch/news/forschung/eine-mahlzeit-in-krisengebieten-kostet-350-franken-65447579
(press release October 17, 2018)
Worldwide Water Scarcity
On the 18 May 2021, many German newspapers were reporting about water shortages.
Climate Change - Disaster Management warns of water shortage
The President of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Management (BBK), Schuster, warns of drinking water shortages in Germany.
If you google ‚Water shortage‘ - and you only filter the last 24hrs, you will find approx. 544,000 results.
It is hard to understand that nobody wants to believe it, although it is emphasised so massively.
This must and can be changed! To do this, we need to get an international voice that carries weight and can bring about change.
‘Knowledge makes insane’*8
*8 The definition ‘insanity’ in your colloquial meaning means:
“unusual in a particular, striking way” or “beyond measure, very extraordinary”.
How true is this statement from the Book of Books?
When one experiences deep in one’s heart how our environment is dying day by day, hour by hour, and only a few are willing to help with a sincere heart - but one has the appropriate knowledge and technologies for positive change, but at the same time perceives the ignorance of many to actively help the environment, then one begins to understand the following statement.
“No matter where my eyes look, my ears hear, and my heart feels;
everywhere there is a state of indifference to people and the environment
that wants to be freed from its forced isolation.“