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Online - Platform for everyone who has something to say about the environment.


You want to raise a concern, have important facts, new findings or even just news to contribute on the topic of the environment? Become a member and use our online platform to make your voice heard. 


The Blue Building Environmental Organisation offers its members the opportunity to publish well-researched reports on the environment under their own name. Publications on highly topical issues must always refer to verified facts, which are at best supported by photographs, practical measurements and comprehensible test trials. 


Publications reflect the current state of knowledge and are welcome for discussion. Should new findings result from this, they will of course continue to be published via this platform. 


Please note that only Reports submitted by registered Members of the Blue Building Environmental Organisation can be considered. For more information, please get in touch with our team!

Blue Building Environmental Organisation's Rules for the Publication of a Scientific Elaboration

Guidelines in the Field of Quality and Statistics


Authenticity serves as the basis for a careful scientific elaboration.


The starting point for publication is the examination of at least three different sources on the topic to be published.


Already 30 years ago, The Environmentalist coined a guiding principle:


“Think logically analytically”.


Logical, analytical objectivity and honesty are the basis of an elaboration. Scientific elaborations are subject to the state of the art in science and technology. Depending on the possibility, own tests or test series with actual practical relevance are carried out.


Any new findings or proposed corrections are revised and published after thorough review.


The goal is to find the best possible compromise for our environment, with which all people can live sustainably.



The published environmental reports are only accessible to registered members. To learn more, register now for your membership:

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By submitting documents, links or presentations to the Blue Building Environmental Organisation for the purpose of publication, the sender confirms that he/she agrees to the Blue Building Environmental Organisation publishing them on its homepage. The sender confirms that he/she has not infringed any intellectual property rights, such as copyright, and has not submitted any secret or confidential documents.


The article should be well researched and informative. Appropriate photographs are encouraged. By submitting these photos, the sender agrees that the Blue Building Environmental Organisation may publish them. The name/country of origin of the sender and also the corresponding links to the reportage will be mentioned as a reference. If desired, the name of the sender can be published as a pseudonym or in short form (e.g. John Doe as J. Doe). In this case, please notify the Blue Building Environmental Organisation accordingly in the 'Your Message' line.

The Blue Building Environmental Organisation cannot accept any liability for the material provided. Blue Building Environmental Organisation also reserves the right to check the articles before publication (fake news) and may refuse publication without giving reasons. Should an article that has already been published prove to be questionable in terms of content at a later date, Blue Building Environmental Organisationreserves the right to remove the published article immediately. Please note the Disclaimer.


At present, only submissions in English and German can be considered. The author or submitter of the article will not receive any financial compensation or other benefits.

Microscopic Images and Observations on the TopicCOVID Vaccine
by: The-Environmentalist
3 March 2022

Vaccine under Microscope

Initially, we wanted to exclude the topic of corona - because of the confusion of many facts, we decided to look at, analyse and photograph one of the common COVID vaccines under different microscopes - with questionable results. 


We analysed one drop of the vaccine at a time under different conditions (including the drying process) and obtained images that are very thought-provoking. We compared these structures with various scientific literature.

Pictures were taken with a total magnification of up to 30,000 times. We were able to analyse carbon and silicon in not inconsiderable quantities.


It was noticeable that the scanning electron microscope produced disturbances in the images. This gave the impression that the ingredients of the vaccine radiated back so strongly that the images were overexposed. The process in the vacuum chamber can be observed on the screen while the images are being taken. Nevertheless, we managed to create very interesting photographs.


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Considerations on the Topic: Recycling of Photovoltaics and its Impact on our Environment and human Health
by: The-Environmentalist
21 January 2022

Downfall Photovoltaics

Fine dust particles are extremely sharp-edged after shredding photovoltaic modules; with their smooth surface, they provide a docking station also for biological pollutants. The hazards are described in detail in this report.


Are currently common dust masks necessary and do they really help to protect against fine dust and thus against diseases? Or do they have the opposite effect and impair the human immune system?


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Considerations on the Topic Air Pollution

What do we inhale every day?
by: The-Environmentalist
15 January 2022

Air Pollution

What is the biggest Environmental Threat Today?


Without any doubt: The human being. Man has been entrusted with the four elements of our Earth; all four elements will be inexorably destroyed.


The four elements can destroy and perish, but they can also become carriers of well-being. Our action is the administration of the four elements, in the true sense of our air, our water, our earth and the fire.

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Photographs on the Topic: Conversion carbon dioxide CO2 to Oxygen O2?
by: The-Environmentalist
28 December 2021

O2 Leaf

Back to the Origin of Truth


The creation of our environment,- there is nothing better!


Inspired by the white rose, we examined a leaf of this rose; the result is more than amasing. So much in advance, a fascinating and surprising result:


Reductions in CO2 means to kill our plant life and consequently all humans.

Carbon dioxide, CO2, is the most important basic nutrient for all plants; these produce the necessary oxygen for us humans.


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Considerations on the TopicIs carbon dioxide a climate killer?
by: The-Environmentalist
15 December 2021

Climate Killer

During this research, we very quickly realised: caution should be exercised, doubt and suspicion are advisable.


CO2 is predominantly stated in ppm (parts per million), but it is also calculated in mg/m³. At high gas densities and saturated vapour, however, gases can no longer be used as ideal gases for calculations. The mole as the SI unit of the quantity of a substance is used, among others, to indicate the quantity in chemical reactions.

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Considerations on the TopicPhotovoltaics
by: The-Environmentalist
3 November 2021

Considerations on Photovoltaics

We humans find ourselves in a hypermodern spaceship on an ominous journey. The completion of the spaceship and the start of this journey began hastily and unprepared. Disoriented, we are gliding through the space of time of modern technologies without having completed the necessary research and development work.


Serious mistakes were and are covered up, even worse: they are presented as the "non plus ultra" by the scientific community, which participates with its expertise in the lucrative market of political consultancy.

For many years, The-Environmentalist has been studying the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the effects of photovoltaics on our environment, with a sobering result. Is this technology, which is repeatedly used by politicians to improve election results, shaped and delegated by lobbyists, in the interest of the corporate companies? He has researched this topic with the desire to publish factual and logical results. For this purpose, he has read and saved material of several 10,000 DIN A4 pages; with the aim of keeping this report as short as possible.


To summarise the result - combined with his personal opinion: If he had the chance, he would banish photovoltaic immediately, and forever.


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The Interaction between CO2 and Climate Change
by: The-Environmentalist
16 June 2021

CO2 Climate Change?

Is CO2 responsible for climate change, or the warmth caused and released into the atmosphere by humans?

Does this warming additionally regenerate higher CO2 levels?


Whether statements, assessments or assumptions about climate change are published; it must be possible to show one's findings from observations and evaluations without being labelled a negative thinker, a lateral thinker or even a right-wing radical and being socially condemned without any grounds.

However, the reality of climate change has reached everyone. Statements and publications must be critically questioned...


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Thought Provoking: Considerations on the Influenza Virus
by: The-Environmentalist
30 March 2020

Considerations on COVID

On 11 February 2020, the WHO announced the official name for the disease:


COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019).


The name for the pathogen was changed from 2019-nCoV to SARS-CoV-2.

Unusual price fluctuations on the oil market do not follow the laws of economics; they are primarily subject to the production policies of the producing countries as well as political crises. We have a political and economic instability in Europe, military crisis in Turkey, Syria, the Mediterranean area and Libya and finally, a new pandemic called Corona. This virus is a trigger but not the cause. Its impact on the greatest expected economic crisis is predictable. Soon it will be supported by other new and unknown epidemics and disasters.


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